Simple Ways How to Increase Brain Power

There's the simplest way to improve memory skills in adults, which is on foot.
Thus the conclusion of the research psychologist University of Pittsburgh, Pennsylvania, USA.

It was concluded after observation of 120 adults who are asked to spend at least a 30-45 minute walk three times per week.

Team of psychologists and studied for a year and to strengthen the observations, areas of the brain MRI scan of the participants as well. At the end of the study, the team found the growth rate to 2% of memory.

"People want to find a miracle treatment for Alzheimer's disease, but for the memory function, a pair of sneakers is perhaps more important," said Kirk Erickson was the leader of the research in the Alzheimer's Association International Conference in Vancouver earlier this week.

In addition, in separate studies, University of British Columbia psychologist found that weight training can help the development of cognitive impairment in older women.

It was obtained after observation for six months to 86 women aged 70-80 years.

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