Food is Making Healthy Skin

We certainly never seen anyone who looks younger than her age or older. Apparently food plays a role in this case, want to know the secret? For information, the skin reflects your overall health condition. Smooth skin makes you look younger. Please try some foods / drinks following a good effect on the skin.

Food is Making Healthy Skin
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1. Water
Well hydrated skin is the main allies. The water here is pure water, instead of water in a soup or soda. So, make sure to drink at least eight glasses of water every day.

2. Berry
Fruits such as plums, strawberries, blueberries contain many antioxidants. This means that these fruits worthy of consumption so healthy and beautiful skin.

3. Salmon
Skin desperately need fatty acids. If the fish are not included in the list menu, can be replaced with walnuts, vegetable or canola oil. All three have the same result. Omega 3 and Omega 6 is important, but this is a fatty acid that can make the body more healthy.

4. Green tea
Although the form of drinks, green tea has polyphenols that have anti-inflammatory characteristics. This is good news for our skin.

5. Low-fat yogurt
Derivative products of low fat milk but rich in vitamin A. It was common knowledge when the vitamin is essential for the skin. Even if we have problems with the thyroid gland or diabetes, this is a good reason for storing food.

6. Avocado
Green fruit is rich in vitamin B complex and contains oil that serves as an anti-inflammatory. The content also can relieve skin irritation, red or inflamed skin acne. We can combine it with yogurt or berries, and drink when morning came.

7. Mango
This fruit contains a lot of vitamin A is good for the skin. He can fix the skin cells that do not look dull. In addition mango has only 70 calories in each presentation. Ideal for weight reduction program.

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